Srah Don Reik

Srah Doun Riek or it's often called Srah Don Reik Community or Srah Doun Riek Natural Resort is located in Srah Khvav village, Tbeng commune, Banteay Srei district, Siem Reap province and far about ~42km away from Neak Peak Circle. Srah Doun Riek is in the category of the natural tourism site. Things to do, as well as the attractions of Srah Doun Riek for tourists such as camping, places to eat, see sunset views, trekking and more. For the trip to the location of Srah Doun Riek, it is easy because it is not necessary to walk and cross the river or take a boat. For parking, tourists can park directly at the location. For a relaxing seating area, Srah Doun Riek has a seating area for tourists, and there is also order food directly from there. Besides Srah Doun Riek has food ordering or food stations but for the canteen and restaurant are not exist. For accommodation, Srah Doun Riek is not available yet such as bungalow, guesthouse, and hotel. For the price of access to?????? Srah Doun Riek Resort is free of charge.




